My trip in the Caribbean made me more accountable to the reality of the project in which the Lord led me. Before this project, I did not consider the impact of the slave trade on the planet demography and its consequences on relationship between black and white people, with the specificity of those between black populations from this ugly trade and white populations on the one hand, and black population of the forced Diaspora and black populations from the continent on the other hand. Until that vision, it is a subject that never interested, nor questioned me.
In my youth, I knew there were some were oversee, brothers called “sugarcane” with whom cohabitation was difficult or even sometimes impossible. Some families advised their children not to bind into the marriage with them because this was always doomed to failure, and for me it was a simple exogenous data which all African travelling to Overseas should take into account and I never questioned why that? When I arrived in France for my studies and faced them for the first time, I realized it was the same for them: we were likewise as concerns that state of mind, but we shared at least one thing, our apprehension of white people.
So it is only from this view that something has changed my view of this situation. It is as if suddenly the Lord has opened my eyes to a world I could only see through a veil. I became interested in this very story, and like miraculously I was put in contact with people, videos, books and events relevant to the slave trade and its consequences in geopolitics, economic and commercial relations, cultural and social relations in the world.
When I started the implementation of this project and I realized that the Lord had entrusted similar vision to other, Western like African, I asked myself why to me too, since a considerable amount of work had already been done in this direction. What could I make more by the vision that I received? The response I received during my trip in October in the Caribbean.
When I arrived at the Hotel where we stayed, the first observation I made is that the ladies at the reception were behaving exactly as our sisters in Africa. They had always attached their faces as if they had something against the whole world. The second is after my speec at the Congress of Evangelicals sin the Caribbean Georgetown 2011 (CONECAR 2011). I realized the bad feeling of black people. It would certainly be relevant to the colonial and slavery situation that this population had experimented: it is when a pastor of Barbados approached me and said this: “brother, until now, I had resentment towards the African who sold us as slaves to whites, but now, after your presentation, and following the call you have just addressed us, I realize that we should and can be Joseph to Africa and give her a helping hand to finish the task and do any other things together.”
I knew the Life Line Expedition had visited the Barbados and made a welk with yokes and chains there, but that a pastor of this country comes to me and tell me what I have heard, this made me realize that there was still much to do and the adventure was worth it!
Thank you to pray for:
- New contacts that were made at the CONECAR to coordinate actions to the reconciliation of peoples involved in the triangular trade and its consequences. Pray that they are successful and that the will of God be done.
- The authorities of Nantes, that they accept our proposal to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the Memorial for the abolition of slavery.
- The Churches of Nantes that they are convinced of the need in the interest of their involvement in the movement for reconciliation. God has given us in Christ, the Ministry of Reconciliation.
- For us. That the discouragement recedes from us and that the Lord renews us in our zeal to serve Him, to obey Him and to put into practice what He commands us.
- That the Lord opens doors that lead us to do His will at all times and closes those intended to divert us.