I thought a lot about Brian's suggestion that I sent to some of you as a prayer subject so that the Lord enlightens us about it. He suggested, in short, that we should only do some European ports by ship from Liverpool, where we would have a launching ceremony at the museum of slavery up to Moroco. The rest would be done by flight with a smaller delegation. The idea of a launching ceremony at the slavery museum in Liverpool seems excellent and the contribution of the Marine Search Ministry to the project is highly significant and apreciated. So I submitted this proposal to the Lord by fasting and prayer. But each time, the image I got, when I asked the Lord what was His will for this project, was that of a sailer, similar to those that carried the slaves and who was traveling alongside African coasts. I asked Him to confirm this vision if it comes from Him. Yesterday, december 29th 2010, I received a phone call from a brother, Jacques V. I did not know before, but who contacted me because David POTT had told him about our project. He shared with me a vision that he had of a sailboat that sailed under full sail by the breth of God, I received it as a confirmation.
Moreover, considering the explanations given to me by Jacques, it seems that Brian's proposal is similar to a project and even several projects that already exist such as the Lifeline Expedition's: for more than seven years, white and black of all nations, men, women and children, walk together hundreds of miles, across four continents with yokes and chains and go on journey unlike any other. I think the Lord is about to do something completely new (Isaiah 43: 18-19) and not duplicate what already exist. Another movement is the one of Reconciliation and Renewal that is going to hold a Conference in Africa this year.
This various projects of repentance and reconciliation can support each other. The Prayer Boat's has to learn and to benefit from he experiences of others that we progressively discover as we move forward. I'm sure they all contribute to a major project the Lord Has for His people of Africa, the Caribbean and the Nations of the world.
I myself am invited to attend a Conference for Reconciliation Renewal in Cotonou, Benin from July 27th to July 31st 2011 and I'm honoured. Conviced that this si part fo the plan of the Lord God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus-Christ through whom He gave us the ministry of reconciliation, having reconciled us with Him. In the meantime, let's continue to work towards the implementation of the vision of the Prayer Ship for repentance and forgiveness for the reconciliation of the people of all Nations involved in the slave trade.
Let us pray that this vision takes shape in the Churches of Europe, Africa and the Americas, among Christians of all denominations and all Nations so that the will of God be done.
1st Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing"