lundi 4 août 2014


plenary session

The Regional consultation for Francophone Africa

From March 25 to 29 was held in Dakar Senegal, the CRAF Consultation (Regional Consultation for Francophone Africa) for the evangelisation of unreached people groups in Africa. It is a movement that aims to encourage Churches, Missions and Ministries in Africa to collaborate to complete the task of evangelization of Africa. This movement promotes partnership end pooling of resources to better achieve the goals of evangelization of people groups not reached yet, to meet the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to “go and make disciples of all nations…”

Took part in this meeting, church leaders, Missions and Ministries, some leaders with expertise and a special perspective on a specific topic and capable of implementing the resolutions of the Consultation and to whom it was asked to receive and discus during training institutes and workshops on topic to defined, describe the obstacles to evangelization and gather best practices related to these topics. Different worship bands accompanied us throughout the consultation. The meetings always began with a time of worship followed by a moment of meditation.

During plenary sessions, some Missions and Church leaders introduced their Ministries and shared their experiences. Afterwards, in training institutes and workshops, we discussed various issues such as partnership, church planting movements, orality, training, recruitment, sending and supporting missionaries, the biblical stewardship and local funding of missions, evangelism in urban areas, the role of missions in West Africa, the media etc.

Each of the working groups produced recommendations for the Church to be implemented in partnership at the local and national and regional level by evangelical leaders. These recommendations are consigned in the final document. They are in line with the vision of CRAF that the Church in Francophone Africa paves the way for engagement in Africa and beyond to reach all nations with the gospel through strategic partnerships.

On the sidelines of the Consultation, we held MANI meetings - Movement for African National Initiatives – a pan African movement for evangelism whose aim is to reach population groups not yet reached by the gospel. The purpose of this meeting was to prepare the States General for evangelism that will gather the African Denomination Leaders of the whole Continent in Accra, Ghana in February 2015. These meetings allowed completing the organization of this great meeting of leaders of Churches and missions, Federations and Unions of African Churches, with the participation of global partners. This organization remains to be put into practice by the various committees set up for this purpose, including the Local Organizing Committee in Accra.
The MANI Team

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