jeudi 8 mars 2018


Christian movie before preaching

Mission to Cameroon, end 2017

The mission to Cameroon this end of the Year 2017 was most perilous, especialy in its beginning. A team had travelled to this region in the first week of November to begin the work. The evangelists, Pastors Dominique DICK from Guaeloupe and Daniel MPONDO from Strasbourg were to join the team led by Pastor Emmanuel KOUM later. But this first preparatory stay was peppered with numerous incidents that made the work impossible in the Reion. The malpractices on the part of an official of this locality who was in harge of oobtaining the necessary authorizations to the accomplishment of our task, and especially the insecurity due to the threats of kidnapping for ransom of those who were qualified of “half-whites”.

I would say as in the time of the Apostles, (Acts 16:6) we went down to Duala, Logbbessou, Bonamoussadi and Nyala, where we preached the Gosppel, the Holy-Spirit having prevent us from preaching in the North. But it was only part of handin over.

We thus benefited from a Plan B, a proram that the Lord inspired to our colleague Evangelist Pastor Emmanuel KOUM, who quickly obtained the necessary authorizations for the organization of this campaign.

The work lasted four weeks, but two weekes for Dominique DICK and three for Daniel MPONDO. During the first two weeks that led us successively to Logbessou and Bonamoussadi, it was the evangelists Dominique and Daniel who alternatively brought the message and we saw the Lord at work, many lives ame to the Lord. In the third week, which took place in Nyala, the evangelist DICK having lelft, the Evangelst MPONDO brought the message every day and the evangelist KOUM took care of the conclusion the last day. There too, we saw the Lord at work, many were saved, healings and restaurations taking place among the men, women and children wo were present. May all the glory be to Him!




Commemorating the death of the King of Thailand

Mission to Chiang Mai 2017

From 10 to 20 October, a Global Consultationthe Mission to Muslims was held in Chian Mai, Thailand.

This subject has a very sensitive character that does not allow us to dwel on it. Thi is also the reason why this communication will not be illustrated by pictures of our work sessions as usual.

This Consultation was unique in that it brought together the most comprehensive gathering of church-planting practitioners and agency leaders serving innthe Muslim world.

Every morning and afternoon, we listened and abided to Jesus through His Word, in personal refletion, in small groups or collectively in plenary sessions. Our work and reflections were mainely built around the following four questions:

·         What is God saying to us?
·         What is the Muslim world saying to us?
·         What are we saying to one another?
·         What is God telling us to do?

These were intense moments of reflection, of sharing experiences. Let us hope that the resolutions we have taken together will not end in reports to be archived and forgotten, but that they will take shape in joint ations towards the Muslim world.